Estimados Amigos del Transporte Eléctrico:
Un nuevo canal de comunicación se abre para continuar
tratando tan importante tema debido a sus implicancias energéticas y medio
ambientales en un mundo excesivamente complicado en lo que a ese tema se
La idea de este blog
es acercarles conceptos teóricos-prácticos sobre el tema que nos
convoca, con la finalidad de que quien
no esté familiarizado con el tema pueda hacerlo progresivamente, de manera
ordenada e incluso intercambiando opiniones o disipando dudas entre todos
los visitantes al mismo.
También habrá noticias de la evolución de los diferentes
tipos de transportes eléctricos de todo el mundo, cosa que viene sucediendo con un ritmo
vertiginoso, en especial, en lo referente a autos y buses.
Espero que sea de vuestro interés, que aporten todo lo que crean interesante
para el fin comentado mas arriba, incluso las críticas y los puntos de vista
diferentes serán bienvenidos porque ayudarán a mejorar y crecer nuestro modesto
espacio de exposición de tan interesante tema.
Saludos cordiales.
Ricardo Berizzo
Dear Friends of the Electric Transportation:
A new channel of communication open to continue trying this important issue due to their energy and environmental implications in a world too complicated as far as that topic is concerned.
The idea of this blog is to approach them theoretical and practical concepts on the issue before us, in order that those not familiar with the subject can do it gradually, orderly and even exchanging opinions or dispelling doubts among the visitors at the same .
There will also be news of the evolution of different types of electric transport worldwide, which is happening with breathtaking speed, especially with regard to cars and buses.
I hope it is of interest to you, to provide everything to create interesting discussed above, even the criticisms and different viewpoints are welcome because they help to improve and grow our modest exhibition space so interesting topic.
Best regards.
Ricardo Berizzo
A new channel of communication open to continue trying this important issue due to their energy and environmental implications in a world too complicated as far as that topic is concerned.
The idea of this blog is to approach them theoretical and practical concepts on the issue before us, in order that those not familiar with the subject can do it gradually, orderly and even exchanging opinions or dispelling doubts among the visitors at the same .
There will also be news of the evolution of different types of electric transport worldwide, which is happening with breathtaking speed, especially with regard to cars and buses.
I hope it is of interest to you, to provide everything to create interesting discussed above, even the criticisms and different viewpoints are welcome because they help to improve and grow our modest exhibition space so interesting topic.
Best regards.
Ricardo Berizzo
Buena idea Ricardo, de hacer este blog. Te sigo. Marcelo